cleaning an xhale o2 atomizer

The box says HIGH on the new generation cartomizers (atomizer and cartrige all in one) and HIGH is like 21 mgs but at the bottom of the box it say DOES

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7-11 Now Selling E cigs – Xhale O2 Mini.
XHale O2 e cigarettes are now on sale at 7 Eleven with some controversial ads. I do an editorial review of the product. Please post comments with your thoughts.
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cleaning an xhale o2 atomizer
Atomizer - Amazon.deThis is my new "metal cart mod" for the Xhale o2 e-cig. I was tired of tasting plastic fumes, so I made my own mod from a $6 tool from Autozone. I took a
New Xhale o2 E-cig Review - YouTube
Xhale O2 Discount Best Way to Clean Atomizer Atomizer - Amazon.decleaning an xhale o2 atomizer
Metal Cart Mod (Xhale o2 E-Cig from 7-11).How to Clean 510 Atomizer
The Xhale O2's second generation product was introduced in late 2011 and it features the cartomizer cartridge featuring Xhale O2's own patent pending technology.
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